Day 1 Turquoise Blue, …Han Hostel…Istanbul!


Atatruk Airport - IstanbulJune 10:  One long, super fun travel day! Seattle – Chicago – Istanbul!  As I’m writing, I’m hearing for the second time now, what I’ve only read about –  the sung, reverberating call to prayer, confirming for my ears that we are really here – A place I have dreamed about  for at least 15 years!  John has traveled to many places I have never been, but this is a place new to us both.
It dawned on me the last few days that after 32 years of marriage this is the FIRST major trip, which for a portion of, John and I will be exploring alone, unaccompanied, unchaperoned!  China – we were traveling with two other couples, Europe – a few years ago – the kids, Mexico and the states – friends and family.  All of which I would never want to trade, but I have to say, having a chunk of time traveling with John alone is something I am really excited about.
Must include a few words about our flight. Turkish Airlines – exotic!  First of all, before our feet left  USA soil, those Turks were charming us away to another land.  Turkish folk music,  flight attendants handing us comfort packets, and chefs in waiting all greeted us before we had entered the cabin!  What really took my breath away though was seeing 253 seats upholstered in tranquil true turquoise blue!  Haven’t seen that on Alaska Airlines.  The in-flight service left me wanting to book a flight again – and we were flying economy class.  Not the salty snacks here, but rather healthy little bags of plain, roasted filberts, plus two other very decent meals.  A touch screen on the seat in front of us allowed us to follow our flight by satellite view, watch a bunch of travel documentaries and a couple of movies.  This may be standard on international flights, but when an eleven hour stretch came to an end before I thought possible, that says something about what they provide.
Our first night we’re staying at a hostel near the airport. We are flying out early tomorrow for Cappadocia.  – some might say first class compared to other hostel experiences read about lately. It is clean, cheap, and cozy.

A little balcony near our room equipped with two sturdy log swings! How great is that?